Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Line Sketches!

Sketch 1
Sketch 2Sketch 3Sketch 4Sketch 5Sketch 6Sketch 7Sketch 8Sketch 9Sketch 10

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This is another example of bad composition. There is motion in the picture, but its repetitive throughout. Theres no color movement or shapes to give the picture liveliness and a focal point. It allows for no variety, and quite a boring picture.

This picture has bad composition. It has no real focal point and no color movement. It doesn't represent any of the 7 principles. The lighting is the same throughout. Its a very boring picture to look at!

This Photograph also has good composition. The focal point of the photo is me on my bright orange board. It gives  color and variation to the photo. The break of the wave with water blowing off the top, and the direction I am looking causes you to follow the picture from left to right, making the picture interesting to look at.

This image is good composition. There is a lot of variety with shape and color. The seagull is the main focal point. From there you naturally want to follow the picture up from sand to water, and from the seagull to the man in the chair.The shadows also give a good contrast and makes the picture more interesting.